Saturday, 26 October 2013

Horticultural Highlight-Cyclamen hederifolium

Small but very mighty. With their characteristically nodding flower heads, it would appear that a swipe of wind would obliterate them completely, but this autumn flowering cyclamen, graces us with delicate drifts of vibrant pink just when the days of autumn are turning sour.  Not even the harshest of frosts could dash its spirits, with a hardiness of H5 (fully hardy,) she performs year upon year. 

They naturalise effortlessly under trees or in any partially shaded area and can withstand most soil situations. The flower are first to show before the leaves but the display will last well into autumn, brightening up any space, even into the early stages of winter. The leaves are just as decorative as the flowers when they arrive, mottled green and grey/silver, it is undoubtable to see why its common name is Ivy-leaved Cyclamen. One of the areas left the be developed in my garden is around the water feature, although I have no plans to improve the area now until spring, I have brightened the area with Pansy planted pots. The Cyclamen lie so quietly when they are not in flower that I forget that they home themselves there. Just as autumn arrived, they peeped shots of pink throughout the feature area and ramble carelessly over the border edge, cheering up the view from our kitchen window. A firm favourite amongst our family. 

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