Friday, 8 November 2013

Why Work Indoors When the World Can Be Your Office?

Our Summers in Britain are gone within a blink of an eye and whether its for work or leisure, we spend every daylight hour and a good amount of the evenings outdoors enjoying the warmth because who knows when we might see it again right? My Mum crocheted me some bunting for my greenhouse (and isn't it the most loveliest thing ever!) and it got me thinking that our gardens really should be treated as outdoor living spaces.

Gardens often come with houses when we buy them so why are they often neglected or treat differently to our homes. I like to consider my garden as roofless room, along with each season change, it's like re-decorating and like our houses are homes to us, our gardens are a home to so much more. In fact I spend more time in my greenhouse than I do in my room and I think most avid gardeners can join me on that one, I keep it tidier than my room too. Our gardens speak volumes about our personalities and personal traits, whether they're kept, unkempt, contemporary or English country, but think of it this way, oftentimes our gardens are what greet our visitors first, not ourselves personally. Would you greet friends with scruffy hair and unclean clothes if they were around for dinner? It's the same principle I feel for our gardens. I hope this gives you a different outlook on your relationships with your gardens, dont neglect it, gardening is probably the most enjoyable 'chore' going. But then again, I am biased.  Just some thoughts I'd like to share.

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