Saturday, 23 November 2013

Horticultural Highlight- Dianthus caryophyllus

I dedicate this post to my Grandad Eric, in the anniversary of his passing.

My Grandad was a keen gardener and his interest for it fascinated my Mother growing up as well as myself, and I truly believe gardening is in the blood. In my garden I have a collection of bright pink Carnations drifting along the border edge, as one of my Grandad's favourite flowers along with lilies,  I'm often reminded of him, not like I ever forget, but I've cut my plants twice back over their flowering period and they've flowered right from May/June to just fading off now, but they have been such vibrant and soulful little flowers throughout the summer and are very cherished plants among most people, in gardens or in cut flower bouquets.

With the last few remaining, I have collected them up and bought them inside as remembrance for my Grandad.

I hope he would be proud of me, it's lovely to have a part of something he loved in my garden with me.

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