Thursday, 16 January 2014

Generous Geraniums- Part 2.

Just a quick update while I wait for winter to pass. Thanks to my regular browse through the Thompson-Morgan website, I stumbled across the (unknown to me) Geranium I had posted about in September. Just as I had described this lovely flower it appears she is very true to her given name, Geranium 'White Rose.'

Our plant at work unfortunately became very leggy and to my despair, my boss threw her away just before we overwintered the rest of the Geraniums for the winter. I salvaged her and took 5 of the healthiest cuttings I could collect and I have been desperately trying to root them over the colder months. I have one successful plant of 'White Rose' from the summer, although I am still hopeful for a few more from my newer cuttings, they're growing but I am unsure to whether they have actually rooted (some grow purely through the soils moisture. ) I will to my best to keep them stable until the warmer months. Fingers and toes crossed.

If cuttings for this Geranium are unavailable to you, here's the link for some plugs I stumbled on. Thompson-Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Love this Geranium, hope it takes successfully for you then we can fill the garden with delightful blooms
